Hog Roast Roundham: Twins Celebrate Their 75th Birthday

Summer is nearing its end once again, and with everyone keen to make the most of the final few weeks of sunshine before the longs nights and stormy weather takes over, Hog Roast Roundham has been very busy with bookings for all sorts of different events. From dreamy garden weddings and elegant christenings to intimate housewarming parties and fun-filled birthday surprises, you won’t believe how much excitement we have managed to squeeze into these past few weeks! But one event we can’t stop talking about is the 75th birthday bash we catered for last weekend…

What made this birthday party so special, I hear you ask? Well, for a start it was a celebration for twins, Doris and Flora which meant double the fun! On top of that, the Hog Roast Roundham team had to work extra hard to come up with a menu that both ladies would love because despite being identical twins, their taste in food couldn’t have Hog Roast Totnesbeen more opposite. While Doris loved the idea of a traditional hog roast with all the trimmings, Flora was a life-long vegetarian! Although it might sound comical, this key difference had left Doris’s daughter, Maria (who had been placed in charge of planning the event), in a bit of a predicament. Was she to spend double by asking two caterers to handle the event, or make one of the twins unhappy?

Fortunately, Maria discovered Hog Roast Roundham just in time, and she was so pleased to hear that we offer a combination of dishes that are inclusive to everyone – no matter what their diet requires are! Yes, this meant that with our help, the client was able to create a bespoke menu that would not only make her mum happy but her aunt as well. Phew!

On Saturday afternoon, the Hog Roast Roundham catering crew served the birthday feast, which included a medium-sized spit roasted pig with crispy crackling and savoury stuffing, sides of freshly prepared salads, warm new potatoes in herb butter and a meat-free alternative of BBQ pulled jackfruit wraps.

To Maria’s relief, both ladies were over the moon with the food on offer, and the guests too couldn’t seem to get enough!