A Change Of Pace For Hog Roast Torbay At Our Partnered Venue Wedding Fairs

Hog Roast TorbayWith weddings season oncoming it has been a busy period for our Hog Roast Torbay teams around the area as we have been getting the good name and tastes of Hog Roast Torbay out there at various wedding fairs hosted by partner venues of ours. These wedding fairs are great for both caterer and customer: you get to see a huge range of wedding services and vendors that could compliment your special day, and we as a vendor get to meet many different faces and show off our best to hopefully book in future events with attendees. These fairs are always wonderful, colourful occasions that we love coming to, as we also get to look around and see some of the other wonderful things that are going on in the wedding industry – meeting the other wedding vendors like us is just as exciting for us as it is for you!

Hog Roast TorbayThis is the time of year where a lot of our partnering wedding venue locations are throwing their own fair shows, so there have been a tonne of these events for us to attend, and each has been simply incredible both from a business point of view – as we’ve booked in lots of future weddings and even other events and have been able to further spread the Hog Roast Torbay brand – and as a pleasurable afternoon out for our service teams at Hog Roast Torbay. We’re of course still out serving guests at these events – as we bring with us plenty of delicious samples and a whole hog roast for guests to see and try – but the pace of these events allows us to be a little more relaxed than when customers are paying us directly to serve their event. It’s been nice for the teams to attend something a little different and just get out and chatting to folk!

If you’re on the lookout for wedding services of your own at the moment then be sure to look out one of these fairs nearby – chances are a Hog Roast Torbay team will be there! Come by, get a roll, and have a natter with us about your event and our foods!