Hog Roast Shorton helps ease a farewell

Hog Roast ShortonMoving away from family and friends can be a difficult decision to make. Farewells are the worst especially when the person is moving over 9000 miles away! It’s not like you can just hop in the car and make that journey effortlessly to see them. Nevertheless, David had decided to move away. Where may you ask? The amazing and spectacular Australia. Knowing facts like how Australia has over 60 separate wine regions, yielding wine from a variety of grapes within picturesque valleys or that Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world matching Antarctica, or that an incredible 80% of the animals are unique to country is when the jealously kicks and the realisation that David is about to have a fantastic experience. 

Hog Roast Shorton had been asked to make the farewell a little less painful by catering delicious and heavenly food. It was more of a congratulations party than a farewell party, everyone seemed genuinely happy and excited for David, and they also seemed very happy and excited about Hog Roast Shorton’s  feast. 

David had gone all out with Hog Roast Shorton’s Alfresco menu. As guests arrived several antipasti grazing boards were placed near the barber guests to help themselves. There was a variety of fine meats and cheeses to enjoy alongside bite size nibbles such as stuffed olives, peppers and fig leaves. Artisan breads, breadsticks and cheese twists accompanied the boards. A light snack to enjoy before a mighty main. 

At 7pm the Hog Roast was ready. David’s guests enjoyed a heavenly whole-roasted pig with all the trimmings, warm buttered new potatoes with fresh chives and three super tasty salads. 

Hog Roast ShortonHog Roast Shorton served delightful desserts from 8pm. David had chosen the impressive profiterole tower and divine chocolate torte. Both completely indulgent and served with cream and red berries. What’s a profiterole tower? Well, it begins with a shortbread biscuit base where balls of happiness start to stack held together by a milk chocolate ganache and finished with a drizzle of white and dark chocolate. 

David’s guests thoroughly enjoyed the food and thought it was the best way to send him off as he’s such a massive foodie! Hog Roast Shorton would like to wish David the best in his next venture.