Hog Roast Harbourneford

Hog Roast HarbournefordThis rural retreat is the dream location for enjoying a traditional hog roast feast in the open air. Spit roasting meat for several hours over a slow fire is an ancient culinary gem in our heritage and no one in this part of Devon does it better than the Hog Roast Harbourneford team. We have revived and revamped this traditional cooking technique and made it a suitable catering option for any occasion.

We have achieved this by staying true to our roots in the way we prepare our meat and at the same time merging it with the most up to date menus and catering packages available. We select meat of the finest quality, which is always sourced from ethical food producers who utilise stringent free-ranges method. We than maximise the flavour and texture of this superior pork through a slow and patient cooking process, utilising our own advanced catering equipment and adding our own touch of magic along the way.

Always The Finest Quality With Hog Roast Harbourneford

Hog Roast HarbournefordHog Roast Harbourneford’s splendid hog roasts go hand in hand with our equally tempting ranges of menus, which our creative catering team ensure are always in-line with the requirements and expectations of our clients. The slow roasting method works just as successfully with any large joint of meat, from beef and lamb to whole chickens, and we offer all of this and more if you would prefer a different meat choice. We don’t forget about our diners who don’t eat meat either, and we have plenty of enticing vegetarian and vegan dishes to choose from too. We can provide both rustic feasts and more refined meals, depending on the occasion, and we can tailor our service to suit your event perfectly too. You may prefer a buffet or a more formal 3 course meal with table service, whatever you need, we will adapt to suit you.

Hog Roast Harbourneford’s aptitude in all aspects of hog roast catering, combined with our well-executed and freshly made menus marries the traditional and the modern in all of our catering packages, offering you a unique dining experience for any occasion Harbourneford.