A Thank You From The Hog Roast Babbacombe Team To You

With it being the end of the year and the festive season all of our Hog Roast Babbacombe teams are extremely busy with the many, many, Christmas events and festive feasts we have the privilege of catering to our customers. But even in the midst of all that festive fun and chaos we at Hog Roast Babbacombe just wanted to take one quick moment for reflection and the year, and to say thank you to everyone that has come with us over the course of 2023 and the last few years. Christmas is the time of thanks and reflection, after all!

Hog Roast BabbacombeNow with events flying away from week to week again it is easy to forget that just a few years ago our entire business and industry found itself in jeopardy at the hands of a global pandemic. Many caterers like ourselves struggled through this time, and many more didn’t manage to make it all the way through. At Hog Roast Babbacombe we were fortunate enough to have a team ready to hold steadfast and remain flexible to every unexpected change as restrictions came, went, and came again in new forms. We were also most lucky to have a customer base that were excited to keep on supporting us where they can, taking part in our delivery services when possible and trusting us once events came back in a stricter form to handle their dining safely and with care. The confidence placed in our team by you, our customers and guests, is what kept us going and allowed us the space to get back to where we are now with events coming thick and fast through a normal festive season again.

With events back in full swing all year for the first time since 2020, 2023 has been a bumper year for Hog Roast Babbacombe as we have gotten back to doing all that we love with incredible dining at event better events. Across the year we have had plenty of different occasions to celebrate, and now seeing the Christmas rush in full flow again feels like nothing short of a miracle with how things looked just a few years prior.

We cannot thank you enough, and we just hope that our festive fancies can at least provide some small gesture for you!